全国服务热线: 13878464016
登峰珠宝一直致力于人造立方氧化鋯,合成刚玉,尖晶及玻璃以及相关饰品的生成和销售。凭着精湛工艺和勇于创新的理念,我厂一直为客户提供价廉质优的产品和高附加值的优质服务。   登峰珠宝的产品系列丰富,生产规格1.0mm-10mm的宝石,生产制作的材料包括方晶锆石、稀土玻璃、合成刚玉、合成尖晶等,质量等级从AAAAA,AAAA,AAA, AA, A到AB。本公司在湖南、广西,云南设有生产加工基地三个分厂,1000余名熟练技术工人。人造宝石年产量约5000万粒以上。在全国主要宝石生产基地与一百多家各类宝石专业工厂有良好的紧密合作。能配合各珠宝首饰厂家及宝石批发商的需求定制各种特殊形状的产品,满足客户不同的需求。 公司有严格的管理机制,品种齐全、、价格合理、交货准時,贏得国内、外客戶的良好口碑。隨著公司不断地发展,衷心希望在和老客户建立更加紧密关系的基础上结交更多的新客户并与之长期友好合作。并欢迎各地客商来图来样加工、订做、洽谈订购。我厂秉承“以诚为本,客户至上”的经营理念;以“提供最合适的解决方案”为战略合作方针;以“与消费者共创美好生活,与客户共创辉煌事业”为发展目标,携手国内、外客商共创锦绣前程! DengFeng gems specializes in designing ,manufacturing, trading service of cubic zirconia, synthetic corundum, spinel and terbium as well as related products. With masterful technology and innovative ideas, our factory always provides low price and high quality products and high value-added services to customer. DengFeng gems has wide product range, produces 1.0mm-100mm gems that materials including Cubic Zirconia, terbium, synthetic corundum, synthetic spinel and so on, the grade from AAA, AA, A to AB. Our factory can provides products to many gems manufacturers and wholesalers according to their different demands. Our company has strict management mechanism, wide range, excellent quality and reasonable price, delivery on time, won good reputation from domestic and foreign customers. As for meeting the development needs of the company, sincerely hope know new customers based on establishing long-term cooperation relationship with them and old customers. welcome to place sample processing, order, negotiation. We adhere to "Sincerity-oriented, c
公司名称: 梧州市登峰珠宝有限公司 公司类型: 工厂 (工厂)
所 在 地: 广西/梧州 公司规模: 5 百万 - 1 千万
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 工厂
经营范围: 人造锆石;合成刚玉;合成尖晶;玻璃;天然宝石;人造宝石;925银首饰配件;铜银饰品配件
二手 / 礼品饰品 / 工艺礼品
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  • 地址:广西梧州是西环西路68号宝石城4层C110-111
  • 电话:07743882408
  • 邮件:411121560@qq.com
  • 手机:13878464016
  • 传真:07743882408
  • 联系人:邝 先生